Hi Ladies,
Feeling gorgeous today? You should! It sucks that there is so much garabage surrounding what means for a woman to be beautiful, what we have to do to be considered beautiful or how we have to perform. Well, I have good news today and I bet some of you have heard it before but it's one of those things that it's always great to hear again. You are beautiful! You were created in the image of God (the creator of all things beautiful!) and He thinks your spectacular today! God loves what its beautiful, what is good, just look at the magnificent wonders he created in nature. He is a God with a love for all thats beautiful. Recognize that sentiment? Don't us girls just love things that are beautiful, that make us look or feel pretty? What about the compliments we recieve from others- boyfriends, husbands, friends- who tell us we're looking great today? Or the extra effort we put into things we design, such as our homes, scrapbooks, any creative enterprises? We have an inate love and longing for what is beautiful and thats totally and completely of God, and good! Our Dad in Heaven, looks at us and says 'good morning my beautiful princess'. We are created beautiful from the inside out.
Finding this hard to believe? Looking in the mirror this morning and thinking- augh, I have a zit; I hate this scar; I wish I didn't look so fat; my skin is blotchy...so on and so forth. All that stuff, it doesn't matter because it has NOTHING to do with who you are! God says that you are beautiful; when he looked over his creation, He said "It was so good, so very good!...Heaven and Earth were finished down to the last detail." (Gensis 1:31- 2: 1, The Message Bible). Trust me, when someone knows, truly believes that they are beautiful, it shines straight out through any blemishes on the outside. Our bodies aren't perfect; we live in a world of imperfection, corrupted by our own dumb choices, evil and stupidity. But that does not change what God believes about us; he sees through everything thats wrong and sees a creation that he abosultely loves, a woman that he created who is absolutely drop dead gorgeous.
So today, instead of complaining about yourself, try asking God to tell you what he thinks about you. And if it's too difficult to hear his voice through the crowd of your own thoughts, look at something you consider adorable/beautiful (flowers, puppies, whatever) and know this: "...And the very hair on your heads are numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." (Luke 12:7, NLT).
Walk in confidence today ladies, the Creator of the Universe, thinks your gorgeous!
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