Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Be Happy Girls!!

Hey there,

Taking a little detour from relationship topics today to discuss something else really important: happiness. It's always been an important part of life for me (and just so happens that my name means 'happy'). It seems to me that many people are really miserable, going through the motions of their day, repeating it again the next day and not getting any real joy out of life. That's an awful way to live!

How many of us can say that we are truly happy? Even though things lack in our lives and not everything is perfect, can we rest in the confidence that all is well, because inside, we have true happiness? Sometimes it seems that many people would answer 'no' to that question because when you are truly happy inside, it shows on the outside.

So where does true happiness come from? Well it comes from knowing who you are in God. A child of the Heavenly Father, loved and cherished. Happiness comes from knowing God and knowing his love for us, which is why it is sooo important that we spend time in conversation with him everyday, as well as take time aside to just listen and praise him. It also comes from feeling confident that we are walking in His will for us, right where He wants us to be and not doing things that displease him. God wants us to be happy. He wants us to embrace the happiness he has for us and not find it in false ways.

How many of us look for things to make us happy during the day? We hope that our husband will make us happy today, or go shopping to cheer ourselves, maybe watch TV to escape into a world that seems more interesting or plan a trip with friends to bring us happiness. It doesn't work. Those things, ya, definately, they delight us, bring us happiness but they cannot be the source of our happiness! We can't go looking for the next 'fix' to find happiness. Lasting happiness, the type that helps us be resilient through life's troubles, comes only from God. That's the happiness that we all need.

When we rest assured in God, we experience peace and happiness. God will make everything okay.
 Luke 12:31-32 states “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and he will give you everything you need. So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom." and Jeremiah 29:11 says "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope.'" (NLT), These verses bring me a lot of comfort and reassurance. God has only good for his children and wants to see us happy in life. The Holy Spirit inside of us is there to help encourage us, to help us grow: Galations 5:22-23 "...the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control..." (NLT). With that in mind, we just need to rest in the assurance that God's Spirit is there to help us experience those good feelings and extend them to others.

God wants you to be happy. Believe it. Most parents desire good things for their kids and God is a perfect parent, so you can be certain that he always wants the best for his children, wants to give them 'the Kingdom'. Rest in that. Relax and know that God is with you, every step of the way. Smile back, Jesus is smiling down on you.

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