Hi Girls,
Ever had someone say to you that they don't think the Bible is relevant? Like, because it was written way back, it was all about that culture and society and doesn't have anything to say for ours? It's dated?
Well, anyone who has studied history before can tell you that societies don't change much over time, all go through cycles of boom and decay. All experience sin in some form, all have the choice to choose God or not.
Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." And, if that's not clear enough, there is Numbers 23:19, which states "God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind..." So the words God revealed to people to record in the Bible have relevance today, just as they did in the past and just as they will tomorrow because God never changes. He is always the same God. The Holy Spirit continually reveals these words to our hearts, fills them with life and makes them relevant to us because God infuses his spirit into all that he does.
Okay, so what if someone says to you that just because the Bible says God never changes, doesn't mean they believe what the Bible says. How do you prove the Bible is truth? I like to leave this one up to God because he can speak to every heart. But there are books out there that detail the truth of the Bible through historical record. There is evidence that the people, places, and events of the Bible all exsisted. Generally the recorded history of the Bible is easier for people to believe than the fact of God ordering history and of Jesus Christ being his son. That's what people have trouble accepting. Or if they accept that, they have trouble accepting their need to follow the life rules God gives.
I believe the Bible is truth, today and always. What I find is sometimes difficult to discuss with people is the various interpretations of the word. People see verses differently, see interpretations differently. This is a sticky subject. Although, if individuals are really listening to what the Holy Spirit has to say, rather than trying to disect the Bible word for word, they will get the proper interpretations. After all, unless you're educated in the original languages of the Bible, you can't really give a word for word interpretation. I mean, look at all the different versions we have, from The Message to the King James. Some do have more word for word accuracy because the translators strove for that while others replicate main ideas well. In order to understand the Bible, we need the Holy Spirit, because God will reveal the truth to our hearts. I believe the Bible is divinely inspired but it is recorded by people (hence the different interpretations about Jesus's ministry from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). So sometimes what we read is a result of the writer's own style and interpretation. Yet it all speaks the truth. And that's what's important.
Psalm 119:11 "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you..." Knowing what the Bible has to say to us is important for life, for pure living, being near to God. Yet it's about a heart relationship, not a head intellectual knowledge. God's word is in our hearts, meaning, we have the truth inside. We don't need to knit pick every detail, trying on our own strength to reveal the Bible but just trust in God to show us the truth in the Bible, and to show it to those who don't believe. Then we need to carry that truth with us, strengthening our faith.
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