Hey Girls,
Ever think about how the world was meant to be? Before sin happened and everything was corrupted? Well, even today when people sin they miss out on a lot of good blessings.
Think about how people chose to live together before their married... It's a corruption of what marriage is supposed to be. Marriage is an adventure and when you actually say the vows and move in together for the first time, you experience a whole bunch of stuff- good stuff. It's a first time for everything and although there are struggles that come with it, God blesses everything because you are following his direction. When people who live together get married, not only do they have the sin to contend with, there is nothing new anymore, they've already messed everything up. They've already touched the forbidden fruit so to say.
Or what about when people have sex before marriage? That's a corruption too. Ya, they still get to experience it but they don't have God's approval on the relationship. Only when you're married do you really understand fully why we're supposed to wait for marriage to have sex, and move in together. It becomes very clear then because you realize what a special gift you have. You realize the blessings and how you are bonded to someone for life. This bond just becomes more complete through sex, and through the daily adventures of life.
Sin is attractive. Otherwise people wouldn't participate in it. It looks fun but it isn't until you've done it that you realize how bitter the fruit is. It's easy to think that having sex outside of marriage is not that big of a deal (especially when you're in high school or college and see it everyday amongst friends) or that even trying to date a non-Christian would be okay...it's tempting but will lead you into sin, away from God. All sin will hurt you in the end and rob you of the blessings God wants to give you. That's the whole point of sin, to steal the blessings that's rightfully yours! To corrupt you. To ruin you.
Look at abortion for a second- it's an obvious example of sin. Women think a quick fix will take their trouble away. So they murder their child. And their trouble never goes away... Women who have abortions end up dealing with a entire boatload of emotional, physical and spiritual trouble. Maybe not at first but abortion never goes unnoticed. They're haunted and tormented for life because of it. And they miss out on the blessing of having a child (or rob someone else of the blessing to raise it). God can take a unwanted pregnancy and make it into something beautiful and he can always heal and forgive a woman who commits abortion.
I guess I was just thinking about how much sin has stolen today because I know that God has a plan of blessing and wants to bring a ton of joy to the lives of his children. We screw it up. We make bad choices and lose out on what God wants to give us. God doesn't bring evil onto the world- we do. We've already done it. Fortunately for us, Jesus died and rose again, eliminating the power of sin and death over us. We can seek his forgiveness and ask for him to restore all that sin has stolen. We are daughters, princesses of our Father King and we need to learn to live in what that means. In total and complete love for God and rejection of sin. It has no power over us because Jesus defeated it.
Anyways, I hope you can make some sense of that. I encourage you to look for God and seek him in all things. Don't let yourself fall into the temptation that sin provides and rob you of the treasure God wants to give you.
(BTW, my blog looks a little messed up now because I'm trying to remodel it).
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