Thursday, March 18, 2010

A note on Marriage

Hey Girls,

Ever wonder why there are so many names or references towards being married? Tieing the knot, taking the plunge, getting hitched... It's a big thing when you bind yourself for life to someone else and commit to always being together. Some people really freak out at that idea. I didn't. Ever think that marriage sounds old? Like suddenly you're married and you're like an old person? Haha, just a random thought. People have so many misconceptions, like that's when the fun ends, when you have responsibilities..blah blah. I always had my own idea of marriage- for me that was when the fun began because then I knew that I would have someone to hang out with and have fun with for the rest of my life. Have you ever thought that marriage seemed like an impossible possibility? Like it's hard to imagine yourself married but at the same time you really want it? Well, it's not up to you really anyway, it's up to God. So don't worry. But I used to think that way too...

Some people place such a huge emphasis on the actual marriage ceremony that they forget about the rest of their lives!! I don't get that, ceremony and reception just last a few hours and then it's all over. For me it was always about the long term, getting the formalities of marriage over with so I could just be married- not that I didn't love wearing the white dress! Now my sister has a wedding coming up, and we're going through all the prep all over again...

When you think about marriage, what's your biggest concern? Or maybe you are married now, what is the current concern? Marriage is a lot of work but at the same time, it can be so natural and easy. I've only been married for 2 years but I've learned a lot in that time to know that I don't have everything figured out. It really makes me have to smirk or something when I come across a young couple, on the verge of vows, who act as if they have it all figured out. Boy, do they have a surprise in store for them!! Yet, usually the longer two people have been together, at least this is what it seems to me, the more they are aware of each other and know the limits of their own knowledge. It's okay to not know. After all, that's how we learn, tough as it may be.

And it makes me sad too, when I see friends who are living together, decide to get married, because I know what they're missing, the lack of the blessing. Sometimes you can't really totally understand something until you live it yourself. And thats why I so wish people did not chose to live together before marriage. They don't understand what they're cheating themselves of, how much better it could be, was meant to be. I hope that everyone listens to God, dates respectfully, gets married, then has sex and live together. Because there is such a blessing to be experienced in that, such a feeling of rightness- no guilt. You know you're living the way God intended because everything feels good, feels right, totally and completely, with no corruption. And people only know this and understand it if they commit themselves to the ways of God. It makes me wonder if this is what God feels like when he sees us doing wrong, just so filled with longing that we'd do right because he knows how great it would be for us and he wants that for us.

There is just so much to learn about having a long term relationship and being married, just the facts of daily life, forgiveness, understanding each other, communication, not letting the spark die, selflessness, compassion, and so on. But it's fun. I'd reccomend it. I think it also teaches a lot about our relationship with God, just how much he reaches out to us, wants us to be with him, totally and completely faithful.

Anyways, those are just some of my rambling thoughts of today.. feel free to comment with yours!!

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