Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Save The Little Ones

Hey Girls,

Ever think about abortion? Or talk about it with your friends? What do they think about it? What do you think about it? I remember when abortion was a headlining issue, like becoming legalized in different places for the first time, back when I was in high school. I didn't really understand the issue then. Course, I was surrounded by all the peer pressures of high school which can really suck and definately confused my thinking back then. I used to wonder what was so bad about it really, I knew as a Christian that I should be against it but I didn't completely understand, like what about if a girl get's raped? For awhile I just couldn't figure out the injustice of a situation like that. And it didn't help that my friends were just as wishy washy about it as I was, most believing it was okay, or if they thought it was bad, they made exceptions for the case of rape. Maybe you thought like that too or still do.

I find some topics need serious thinking time before we can truly understand. After all, how can we answer someone on an issue if we truly don't know where we stand and why? Well, I took my thinking time and ended up coming to a very certain conclusion after a bit. I needed to discover the reasons why. So incase you're unsure about it, here are some of the reasons I've discovered for why a Christian can never support abortion.

Psalm 139: 13-17
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!

Ok, if this isn't clear enough- I'd have to leave it up to God to convince a Christian how wrong abortion is! Every child, no matter how they are concieved, is a gift from God- their entire life recorded, planned and thought over in detail. No one was a mistake. God thought over everybody and carefully knit them together.

Yet, some people need scientific fact to convince them, especially non Christians. There is enough facts going around about how horrible it is but human stubbornness and pride is very difficult to overcome. When we were driving through the states, they had these billboards up encouraging women to not abort their babies by telling them that the baby's heart is beating 18 days after conception! Now, I'm not really up on much scientific facts about this so I didn't know that. It struck me though because 18 days after conception, most women still wouldn't know if their pregnant or not. So by the time they actually find out, the baby is far more than a bunch of cells. There is so much more to this as well, just pick up any book on pregnancy and you will see each developmental stage of the baby in detail. Women aren't just getting rid of a few cells, they are truly killing the child inside of them.

That's why the entire argument over the rights of the women is rather, well, stupid. Society dictates that women have the right to murder children if they are still inside of her. Sounds pretty ridicolous to me. So much for rights of the baby...

Plus, abortion doesn't get rid of the problem either. Some women experience physical effects after the procedure since it's unatural for their bodies, while others, are haunted spiritually or emotionally for years and years. I've also heard horrible stories of what happens during the actual abortion- which I'd rather not repeat here because I don't like thinking of such things but you can do the research if you're curious.

Why do women choose abortion in the first place? Well, I think a lot of them must be really ignorant of what actually happens or what they are actually doing (the medical industry can make abortion sound pretty innocent). Others, perhpas, they don't really care, they are selfish and just want to get rid of the problem- unaware that a baby is the least of their problems. Some want to 'save' the child from the life circumstances that they would be born into but if they really cared about saving their baby, they wouldn't kill it. And then there is adoption, people always want to adopt babies- they are in such high demand, especially from those women who can't have children of their own. Yet I can admit that the childrens services system is not a perfect system and there is a lot of abuse within it but at least putting your baby into that system gives them a chance at life- it may be rough growing up or they may get a wonderful home but eventually they will have the freedom to choose their own path. I know I'd be willing to raise any unwanted baby.

Christians have no excuse it seems to me when it comes to this issue because they have God to rely on; they can trust God with the life of their baby when giving it up. Yet even Christians can get sidetracked, confused, lost like anyone. The issue is a result of sin anyways and is sin- murder is sin. Abortion is just another area of sin, like stealing or immorality but it has huge consequences. Sin is sin, and sometimes Christians may not recognize abortion that way. This is why it's so important that we decide where we stand so that when people come to us who struggle in this area, we will know what to say to them, how to encourage them towards life, towards God but at the same time, stepping aside from judging them. Everyone is responsible for their own choices but we can do our best to represent good choices, so as not to lead other searching souls astray.

God loves all life, no matter how little it is.

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