Hi Girls,
I just have a bunch of random things to write today I guess. I hope that all of you reading my blogs feel encouraged in your lives and in your relationship with God.
Ever think about witnessing to a non-Christian friend? Or just think about that in general? I write these blogs geared to Christians because it is important for us to keep focused on God, keep living in the truth and encourage each other to do so. So what about other people? Who don't believe? How do we encourage our friends? Well, I was thinking about this and realized it never works to push God on people. But honestly, God can do it all on his own. He can just change people's hearts without any doing on our part really. Although, I think God sometimes does give us a responsibility to reach out to people (and not always with our testimonies or talking about God). He could tell us to help a older woman carry her grocery bags to her car, maybe that act of kindness will set off a entire turn of events in her heart- we don't know. Truth doesn't need to be defended. God is truth and he can reveal himself to any heart. I think we just have to live out what we believe.
Another thing I was thinking about, is everybody has a religion. Some people believe in themselves- they're their own god- that's certainly religion. Religion is a man made system of ritual and belief. Knock on wood, all that superstitious stuff- all religious acts. I think sometimes society likes to make themselves above belief in something greater than themselves (especially if you look at TV). It's as if it's uncool to believe in something besides yourself, or your fellow man, or human goodness. Humanism is just like another religion really. Everyone believes in something and often people will have their own rituals to accompany that- like things for good luck... Do you consider yourself religious? You see, I don't think that if someone calls themselves a Christian that they're necessarily religious. Religion implies man made rules. For people who just follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and live in surrender to God- they're not religious- their just Christ followers.
I think sometimes the different denominations get really caught up in their own systems. Sometimes that's what turns people away- the interdenominational arguments. People have different interpretations, different beliefs on doctrine and ethics and God. It all makes for a lot of division within the church. That's sad. But like I said, God can speak to any heart. It's his truth that matters. I personally don't think there is anyone who has it all right, who has everything to do with God all figured out. We all have some part of our thinking messed up in someway because God is just soo vast, too big for us to comprehend in his completeness. But that's okay because God forgives our ignorance, and so we should do likewise to everyone else. Why argue about something when we can pray with the person and allow God to reveal the truth to our hearts?
Another odd thing I was thinking about was our brains. Ever hear that we only use a small portion of our minds? I don't remember the exact percentage. We aren't currently operating at our full brain capacity. Maybe that came as a result of sin. But anyway, wouldn't it be neat if God were to heal our minds and allow us to think completely? I've heard that every time someone is given a revelation from God that their mind expands a little more. Sounds interesting. Makes sense too.
You know in the Bible how people often talk about how the wicked are successful, having a great life when the righteous are suffering? Well, my husband kind of brought this idea to my attention the other day. Ever wonder how people who don't put their faith in God but seem to have amazing success in their life? Ever wonder how that possibly happens? I think they're being blessed by God without realizing it but at the same time; my husband made the comment that perhaps they are allowed all this success because the forces of evil leave them alone in that area so that they are able to lead people away from God and put the focus on human effort. That made me think, maybe the bad times we encounter in our lives aren't so bad after all and maybe the good times, perhaps they aren't so good. Bad times humble us, make us realize how badly we need to trust God. He's our only hope and strength when trouble comes. But when we're having a great ol' time, everything is going our way, we don't always stop and think about God. We need him just as bad in those good times, because if good parts of our life act to distance us from God- than they are really the worst times of our lives. Good times should lead us closer to God, full of thankfulness, not full of pride in ourselves.
Do you ever find that it's hard being a Christian? That there is a lot of opposition (well the Bible did warn us about that). It's difficult to stand for truth, and then to look around and see all the suffering people go through because they refuse to believe. It's also difficult because people attach a lot of labels to Christian based on their own personal experience with Christians (some good, but bad stuff too). I've known of people who believed in God but didn't want to call themselves Christians because of the negative connotations about it. Judging others is wrong (but that's a blog for another time). Yet, Christian just means Christ-follower. If someone is negative towards you because you follow Christ, than that's their own problem- not yours. Your job is just to forgive. I mean, sure, there is a lot of negative Christians around, those who judge people who don't believe or whatever else negative stuff they do..but honestly, what to people expect? All Christians to be the same? Ya, right, no two people are the same, so no two Christians are the same. But what does set us apart, is that we believe in God and so we have a responsibility to do as God tells us because our belief surrenders us to him. Sometimes Christians can get lose sight of that but that's why forgiveness is so important, and continually turning back to God.
Anyway...this was super long today.. but maybe it will give you some interesting thoughts to think about when you get bored today..haha!
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