Friday, May 14, 2010

Where is Childhood?

Hi Girls,

Ever think that the kids now in days are growing up really fast? Like growing up faster than we did? Or did your parents ever comment on how you grew up faster than they did? If we look way back in history, there wasn't such a invention of teenage years. The whole teen period didn't happen until much later, in the mid to latter half of the 20 century. But now we have childhood, than teenager and then adult. Yet, have you ever noticed that childhood is becoming increasingly shortened and teenager is becoming increasingly longer? Sometimes there isn't much of a distinction between teen and adult until someone reaches their 30s?

If we just look at young kids today, like 8-10 year olds, you can already see them trying to be like teenagers. Sometimes the clothes the young girls choose to dress themselves in is totally inappropriate for a child. Kids are trying to act like, and look like, teenagers. What's with the rush to grow up? I mean, this is nothing new really because kids have always been excited about their next birthday and excited to get the privileges that come with growing up. But at least in the past, their was more emphasis on the protection of innocents and the desire to keep corruption from children.

If we look at the whole biological side of the issue, we see that girls and boys are hitting puberty earlier and earlier. It's really sad actually. Yet why that happens is probably a result of many issues, lifestyle, diet... Yet it also means that girls and boys are becoming physically mature before they are emotionally mature. That creates a whole bunch of problems. Kids are taught about puberty, how to deal with it, what it means but this doesn't mean they are emotionally ready. They may not have the capacity to understand how it could affect them and how their choices now can lead to consequences and choices later as they become teenagers and adults. Emotional readiness has to come but I think parents can take steps in equipping their children to understand choices, and then protecting them from harmful influences until they are emotionally ready to confront these choices themselves.

Childhood is so important for growing up properly. It's so necessary that parents do their part and not leave the responsibility to other people, like their children's teachers at school. I can vouch for the importance of childhood because I enjoyed a long one. It wasn't until I was older that it became clear to me the importance of parents taking steps to shelter their children. However, sheltering cannot be blinding. Children need to be taught about the negative elements out there and taught the proper way to approach them. Innocents and awareness can work together. After all, we don't want our children to be innocent and ignorant. That can most definitely harm them.

Anyway, those are just my comments on childhood because I think it's sad how kids rush ahead to be older and some parents don't do anything to protect them, guide them, guard their innocents. So if you're a parent reading this, maybe this will encourage you to keep sheltering and protecting even when they protest and complain that they can't wear that mini skirt or watch that restricted movie. And if you're like me, don't have any kids yet, maybe we can keep this in mind for when we do and pray for those we know who have kids.

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