Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day of Rest

Hi Girls,

Have a good morning so far? Resting? Relaxing. I hope so. God designed it so that we work for 6 days and rest on the 7th. I hope that while you rest, you give glory to God in it all. Take time today to relax and allow others to relax around you, such as, cancel that shopping trip and just stay home. Take time to prepare for what you know is coming next week by getting in a good mental space to deal with it. Let go of the week past, of the problems and troubles that really, you can't fix and let God take care of it. Maybe there are things you can't avoid doing today- that absolutely have to get done- like studying for a final exam tomorrow or preparing something for work but still, try to squeeze in a little time for you and God. It will be worth it. Just to sit, to think, to rest and surrender to him. I know our lives can become busy and stressed so try to let go of it today. God knew we needed a day to restore ourselves, to allow him to restore us. Make sure you take advantage of it. Maybe you're doing shift work and you have to work today- than keep this stuff in mind for your day off! Take one day each week for resting- you need it.


Tea said...

I agree about the resting part. We had fun watching Glee episodes last night - lol.

Sashy said...

thats good.. its always amazing race for us..haha