Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If God Wills It

Hey all,

I read this book recently, can't recall what one cause I've been doing a lot of reading lately. But anyways, it annoyed me because the characters were always saying 'if it's God's will' when it had to do with situations of danger or illness. It just didn't make any sense to me at all. I don't get it one bit when people say 'if it's God's will that so and so recovers from their sickness'. Of course it's God's will! Why would we doubt that? God doesn't want his children to be sick or in pain. It's like we doubt who God is. Why would we do such a thing?

After all, there are tons and tons of examples in the Bible about God's protection over us and Jesus walking around healing the sick. Jesus didn't look at a sick person, stop and think about it for a moment, if it was his Father's will to heal the person or not- no, he knew his Father- he just healed the person! And look at the psalms:
18: 30 "God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection."
91:4 "He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."

God's faithful promises are our protection. Well, what does God promise us? So many things that I could blog all about that. He promises that his grace is sufficient, that he gives us rest, helps us resist temptation, answers prayer, guides us, guides us out of suffering...Just do a Bible or internet search and you'll come up with so many verses. 

Ok, so back to the topic at hand, if we keep all this in our minds, why do we doubt that God wants to heal someone, or restore a relationship? God loves us so much. Think of parents, if good parents had it in their power to rescue their children, they would! So we can pray for someone with confidence, knowing that God wants and desires good things in that person's life and does not want their pain to continue.

Yet, maybe you're thinking that this brings up a sticky subject. Sometimes people don't get healed, sometimes people suffer and die, sometimes it seems as if we don't receive what we pray for. What then? Did God change his mind? No, God never changes his mind. He's always the same. So why didn't he work in power? If he wanted to, and he can, why didn't he do? 

Well every situation is different and there isn't a sure fire solution to everything. For example, did the sick person have unforgiveness in their lives? Sometimes people are their own major obstacle to healing. Yet, what of someone who's innocent, like a child? Well, sin is sin and after generations of it, our world is corrupt and we live with the consequences of what was done. Our lives are not perfect, and everyone has their own share of troubles to deal with in this world. God doesn't take away every single trouble- not until we're in Heaven. He redeems us from our sin but we still exist in a world corrupted by it, and thus, it effects us.

I guess the important thing to remember is that there is purpose in everything. Sometimes we cannot understand suffering or why it's happening. But God can always take a bad situation and change it for good (Romans 8:28). People die from their illnesses, all the time, but that doesn't mean God wasn't there helping them. Their illness had a purpose- we just may not understand what it was until God explains everything to us. Sometimes too, I think people just come under attack from evil and satan can steal things, steal even their life away. And God allows it to happen but that does not mean they died purposelessly. God has a purpose and a plan for everybody and will restore all that is lost to us. Our treasure is in Heaven after all. God knows what will happen before we step out the front door today and we just have to trust in him, trust in his purpose, know that his will contains only good things for us and surrender to him.

God will take care of us. God will make his purposes complete. But we should never doubt his love, or how much he cares. We shouldn't think that just because there is suffering, God's love is gone, or his healing power is not there for us. That's not true. We don't have answers for everything. I sure don't. Somethings that happen are just plain baffling but we only see a tiny spectacle of what occurs. We only see through the narrowness of our own gaze. God sees everything, sees the grand picture, start to finish. If he knows, sees, understands and loves all, than we better do our best to trust him in all circumstances.

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