Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not a Clue

Hi Girls,

You watch TV and movies, love stories, action stories- what's one thing media seems to have in common??? The answer is sex. No matter what type of film you're coming across, it seems there will always be one of those scenes. And what for? I find a lot of time it's completely needless and doesn't help the plot or character development one bit. Definately an example of directors and writers trying to feed the immoralities of their own minds and those of the viewing audience.

Sex scenes may feed the curiosity of the audience or give them desires for after the show but it's so fake. Completely unrealistic in most cases. Passion, people acting without thought, as if emotions control them... any married person can tell you how wrong TV has it (not that I'm saying there is no passion and craziness when you are married- just different). Media has taken what was meant for a married couple and thrown it all over the screens in a corrupted format. It's unfortunate that tweens and teens watch this stuff and get into their minds that it's showing what sex is like and how it's supposed to be. The media teaches them such lies.

How is the real thing supposed to measure up to what they see on TV? Well, I have my doubts that for most people it probably doesn't, which is why it's still so popular in media. And it's only one part of the problem really- this corruption leads people to fulfill their unmet desires in other formats, such as through pornograthy. People want to live out these sick fantasies that they create.

It's not real but yet people seem to want it, over and over again; they want what the cheap knock off. God intended something totally different for people. When you're married, you experience something pure, right, honourable and respectful between you and your husband. Christian couples can experience the blessing that God created in sex- why do you think it's often referred to as making love? Because that's what it is all about, showing love to each other.

I think it's sad too that Christian couples often get sidetracked by what they see on TV or in movies and allow their minds to be corrupted. Just because you're married doesn't mean sex will be perfect, or even simple; it can get complicated. But I'm speaking in broader terms, about the difference between what I think God intended and what society does. Sex is about love. Us married girls need to keep that in the forefront of our minds- it's about loving our husbands and recieving love from them. It's a selfless act not a selfish act. It's not always flashy or spectacular- even what God intended has been corrupeted from eons of sin but it's pure. This purity cannot be manufactured in any other way and it's what allows a husband and wife to totally give of themselves because there is no guilt or sin involved.

Guard your minds when you're watching TV and movies so the corruption that happens there does not become part of you're life and mind, effecting what God intended to be pure. This is important whether you're married or single. Remember the truth, hold tight to God and his desires of purity in your thoughts and actions, than when it comes time to love your husband in that way, you'll be able to truly love him, with all your heart and body, recieving much in return of what you are giving.

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