Monday, March 15, 2010


Hi Girls,

Ever start a project and then leave it? Get bored of it, tired of it or just plain don't have the time? Maybe you're not into craft stuff and your project is more personal, like getting in shape, eating healthy or training your husband to fold his laundry.

Well, I've started a new project- a big one! Here's a pic:

Any guesses on what that's gonna be? I'll give you a hint: warm, cozy...long time in the making... I plan to knit a blanket!! Pray for me..haha. I've done hats, mittens, scarfs, even a sweater once (with lots of help) but this is my biggest project yet knitting wise. I just hope that I can keep it up and not give up after awhile because I get too tired of it. I can't stand leaving a project unfinished; it's just so defeating!! Like when I start writing a story and not finish it, sucky.. It ends up on my to finish list.

So what projects do you have on the go? Or on the shelf with intentions to one day finish? We should motivate each other to finish our projects. The Bible warns against idleness and slothfulness- I certainly don't want to fall into those catagories. And it's fun to work on something and see it through to completion. So let's just see how we do this time! 

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